Mini Keeperz

Let your little lion go wild with our brand new Mini Keeperz!

Designed for children aged 3 – 5, this hands-on and fun-filled 60-minute programme offers your children a chance to go wild and unleash their curiosity for wildlife with our brand new Mini Keeperz programme. 

Child Feeding a Wallaby

Your child will assist in feeding and taking care of our 'roos and wallabies, put their craft skills to the test and help create enrichment items for our monkeys plus a special interactive visit from one of our zoo keepers with a scaly, furry, or feathery friend!

Friday March 21st @ 11.00am

$18.50 for one Mini Keeper and one adult guardian.

**Booking is essential, so be quick as there are only limited places for each session**

MiniKeepers Aerial